Honey Chicken and Chickpea Salad


Preparation time 30 minutes 

Serves 2 to 4 persons 


  • 1 Can Chickpeas or Garbanzo Beans, strained and washed

  • Red Onion small diced about ¼ cup

  • Arugula bunch, 3 to 4 cups

For the Vinaigrette

  • Extra Virgin Olive oil 2 tbsp

  • Lemon rind 1 tbsp

  • Orange rind 1 tbsp (optional)

  • Brown sugar 1 tbsp or little more if you want it sweeter

  • Lemon juice 2 to 3 tbsp

  • Salt to taste

For the protein

  • Chicken thighs boneless 2 to 3 thighs, thinly sliced

  • Honey 1 tbsp

  • Garlic clove 1 minced

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Oil 1 tsp

For Garnish

  • Shaved Parmesan

  • Toasted sliced Almonds 2 to 3 tbsp


  1. In a skillet, sauté the chicken strips with honey, garlic, salt and pepper in oil. Continue sautéing until the chicken starts to caramelize and is cooked completely. Keep aside

  2. In a bowl, whisk in the ingredients for the salad dressing until it forms an emulsion (all ingredients are well combined)

Assembling the salad

In a salad bowl, combine the chickpeas, arugula and chicken pieces. Pour the salad dressing and toss. Adjust the seasoning. Garnish with shaved Parmesan and sliced almonds and enjoy!!


  • You could use dried chickpeas if you don’t have canned. For cooking the chickpea quickly, use a pressure cooker instead of a pot as the pressure cooker takes less time to cook.

  • Replace chicken with soy chicken pieces (available at grocery stores like Trader Joe’s, Whole foods) or also use tofu or Indian cottage cheese for vegetarian option